As you may have heard there are many changes that have taken place with the FEMA maps and we highly recommend that each of you do your homework to make sure that you are getting the proper service and obtain the correct information.
First we will address the fact that ALL of Collier County has been in a flood zone of one type or another for years, anyone who tells you otherwise is a prime example of someone that has not been up to speed on FEMA's guide lines, maps or rules.
The biggest changes have been that almost everyone East of I-75 that had properties that were in the classification of an "X" Zone or "D" zone have been reclassified to now be in a "Special Hazard Zone". The majority of these properties were changed to an "AH" zone.
To see if your home is affected by the new changes FEMA made to the Flood Plane Maps click on the following link. FEMA Map Viewer
Simply type in your address and you will be able to see what zone your property is currently in. Once you have looked your home up, give us a call and we will help answer questions you may have and explain what steps are next to either purchase flood insurance or to have your home removed from the Special Flood Hazard Area if it qualifies.
As each property is different, it is best that we address how these changes will effect you over the phone or in person. Your property may need to be handled differently than that of your neighbors or friends in another area. Please keep in mind, that just because your neighbor or friend is getting something different than you are, it doesn't mean that your situation will be dealt with the same, or different, way as theirs.
We have all heard the phrase "Let the buyer beware". The statement has never been more true in a case such as this. Many of the firms that are offering these so called deals at a cheaper price often do not offer the additional services you may need to have your home removed from the Special Flood Hazard Area. There are many different forms for different situations, and each requires it's own substantiating documentation. Don't get taken for a ride and then left without a way to get where you need to be. Sometimes what sounds like a great deal now will leave you in a position of having to spend a lot more later. Whether you choose to contact me, or another company, do your homework. Make sure you are dealing with a local, knowledgible, licensed and insured professional land surveyor before accepting any "deals".
Count on a professional who has lived here and has the experience you need!
Member of:
The Florida Society of Professional Surveyors and Mappers
Florida Floodplain Managers Association
Association of State Floodplain Managers